Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Final Project

I apologize for the lack of blogging that has occurred recently. I have been sick for the past week, and though it isn't really a good excuse, I couldn't really think at all or focus.

But for the final project, I have thought and thought and thought and it's been challenging coming up with a set idea that I like more than others.
I like the short film/documentary idea a lot. I think that it would be able to incorporate, generally, everyone's talents and hobbies.
I really liked the idea of doing something from someone else's view.  I enjoy hearing someone else's view of an event that has happened to both of us, because it's always different. Sure, some elements are the same, but because people think differently, there's always a little variance in the storytelling. 

Hopefully as time goes on, or after class today and discussion, my thoughts will be a little more focused. But until then, this is all I got.

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