Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Midterm Assessment

How have I gained Shakespeare literacy?
I feel like I’ve done alright in this one. I know that I’ve seen a lot  of Shakespeare in popular culture and by reading and posting about all the plays, I’ve extended my knowledge of Shakespeare and the different ways he writes. (It sufficeth me to say, belated sunday post, mislike me not))   I also have watched Kenneth Branagh’s Henry V and the production of The Merchant of Venice. I’m excited to be able to dive into the one single work and focus on that.

How have I analyzed Shakespeare critically?
I think I have learned a lot in this section. I am able to look more deeply and see the multiple themes Shakespeare presents in his play.(“HENRY V” post; tempest post. “Hamlet”, “merchant of venice)) Reading the summary before each play also helped me understand the language more easily.
By looking at the summary of each play before hand, I was able to understand a lot more easily the language of shakespeare. I need to work more on the application of literary theories and analysis of digital mediations. Though I have seen film adaptations, I haven’t particularly blogged about or thoroughly analyzed it and compared it to the written work.

How have I engaged Shakespeare creatively?
        I have not done too well in this category. I have a few sonnets that I wrote a year ago, and I have looked over them, I have not posted them on my blog.... yet.
And I’ve thought about what to do for the individual creative work but have yet to establish something in stone. I would like write music for one of the unknown songs in Shakespeare, and interpret how it would sound now. But I have not started on that, and am not quite sure whether that’s the route I want to go.

How have I shared Shakespeare meaningfully?
I have not done too well in this, mostly because I haven’t consistently blogged. Since my blogging is 1-2 times a week. I do enjoy reading other people’s blogs, which has helped developed my thinking and ideas. I have talked to people outside class about Shakespeare, but not in depth. 

How have I gained digital literacy?
        I think that using a blog has helped a lot with learning. Not only from me posting, but from other people’s posts. I always do background information online before each play I read, which has helped me understand what I’m reading more clearly. I have not talked a lot to people outside of class too much about Shakespeare. I’ve mentioned the interesting things I learn in class, but it doesn’t really spark conversation.
    With blogging, I think I am in between Phase 1 and Phase 2. I try to think more deeply with Shakespeare, but to no avail. I have had trouble applying things I am interested in to Shakespeare, and then blogging about it. Consistently blogging is also something I haven’t done too well in.

B. Self-directed Learning

I am not too good at self-directed learning. It’s been a while since I’ve had a set schedule, and unfortunately, I’m struggling with my focus. However, I do know that I set time apart to read Shakespeare (an adequate amount of time) and I strive to read through each play at least twice, and if not the whole thing, at least a few acts again, particularly the acts that were my favorite or I couldn’t understand. I do not use the eBook because I can’t have the Kindle App. on my macbook, but I do own all of shakespeare’s work in one book. And I strive to mark that wherever I find a quote I particularly liked or when I do not understand something.
I have seen others be more consistent with their blogs and have applied it pretty well to their interests, which is something I strive to be able to do.

C. Collaborative and Social Learning
        I definitely appreciate Sarah and Kim’s blogs.I enjoy reading theirs posts and has helped me the most in development of my thoughts and perceptions of concepts. I appreciate their interpretation of Shakespeare and how thorough and consistent they are.
        I think that class time is being used effectively. I particularly like the group discussion, but I like it more in smaller groups so there more time to thoroughly discuss it. It also gives us the opportunity to understand better how a person interprets the plays in face-to-face time, instead of through blogging.
Through blogging, I strive to involve others with my learning. And with outside of class, I look for opportunities to talk about Shakespeare, but either I miss it or when I bring it up, the conversation doesn’t last too long.

D. Looking Ahead
I want to be able to write a good sonnet. One that follows the iambic pentameter but is also well-written. As stated earlier, I have written some before, but looking back they are less good. I would also like to memorize a soliloquy from one of the plays. And I am also thinking about writing music for a song.
I really enjoy film and would like to incorporate that into the collaborative project. Whether it’s re-enacting a play(s),  or showing general visual interpretations.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rachel,
    You had mentioned possibly doing something with music for the final project, and I was thinking of maybe doing something musical as well. Maybe you would like to consider working together on something...? I don't actually have anything specific in mind, but I just wanted to put it out there as an option if you wanted to consider it. (I play the violin & have done a [very] little bit of songwriting.)

    By the way, I love your sonnet-writing idea! I think that sounds like something that would be really fun to do! Do you have any sonnet topics in mind?
