Monday, March 5, 2012

The Duke of Venice

This is the treatment to Sarah's Characters.

The characters are introduced, except Lucio. The Duke of Venice talks to his kids explaining how his illness has turned for the worst, and how Francesco has to prepare for his death. Filippa is upset because she thinks she should rule instead of her father.
Lucio is introduced. He just arrived in Venice. He meets Francesco and tells him about his travels. Filppa wishes she could help her father, but he avoids her. She also tends to defy her father, in the sense she doesn't follow her "womanly duties."
The Duke dies. Francesco takes his place. Disputes occur between him and his sister over ruling. Lucio visits Francesco often, telling him about the world and how he should go travel. Francesco longs even more to go explore the world. Because of his inner turmoil between staying and going, his ways of ruling suffer, trying to compensate for not leaving.
Problems arise amongst the Venice council and Francesco. They disagree with the way he has been ruling. They secretly come to the conclusion that they should assassinate him, and replace him with their own person. They decide to include Filippa and offer her the dukedom, stating they'll change the law. Filippa has inner debates between replacing Francesco, because she feels she can rule better, but at the same time, doesn't want to betray her father's wishes of letting her brother rule. Lucio still tends to be over more and influence Francesco.
The assassination attempt is made on Francesco's life, and yet he escapes badly injured, but not dead. He realizes, as he stays in bed recovering, that he needs to be better. He dismisses Lucio to not visit anymore and realizes maybe he should listen to Filippa and take her advice. He and Filippa are on better terms and become closer than ever.

So, that's what I got. Any thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. LOVED Act IV!!! (well, i loved all of it, but the assassination plot completely took me by a very pleasant surprise :).
    really good treatment...thanks for using the characters i came up with! i'd probably lend more to tragedy at the end, but this play could definitely go anywhere
