Monday, February 6, 2012

Belated Sunday Post

So I was thinking yesterday about how I could apply Shakespeare to my sunday routine. And so I decided to look on to see how many times Shakespeare comes up in the search engine. The results equal 302. And in General Conference, Shakespeare is mentioned 53 times. I think that is pretty nifty.
Often, when I talk about people being quoted in General Conference, it's usually C.S. Lewis. But who knew that Shakespeare is fairly popular himself.

Then I looked to see how often Hamlet was mentioned. That answer is 13 times. Looking at the talks, the most quoted was the "To be or not to be" soliloquy. However that is closely followed by "This above all; to thine own self be true."
It's pretty cool to me seeing that the Prophets and Apostles also see the cool insights and goodness of Shakespeare. Especially Hamlet, since I like that play.

What other plays or playwrights do you think is oft quoted in Conference?
Or maybe just in church material in general?


  1. I'm glad you brought this up, I was reading his biography and I found this quote very interesting, "Good friend for Jesus sake forebear, to dig the dust enclosed here, blessed be the man that spares these stones, and cursed be he who moves my bones",

  2. Yes, isn't it cool? After I read this, I was curious to see how much of Shakespeare I could find on the Church's website, and it's so true that he's there all over the place! I didn't look through everything that was there, but from what I looked at, I also noticed that quotes from Hamlet seemed to come up the most often, though there was a very healthy variety of Shakespeare's plays. I wrote a blog post about one talk quoting Shakespeare that interested me, & if you want to, you can check it out at:
