Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Venice during the Renaissance Era

For the Duke of Venice (tentative name), I was looking for more of stagecraft and setting, since Sarah and Marina came up with some wonderful plot scenarios.

The fashions during the renaissance period changed quite a few times, but not in intense ways.
The more wealthy used really expensive fabrics and often had jewelry sewn into their outfits to show extravagance. The fancier your clothes and the more expensive, showed just how much more wealthy you were than other people. For example, Francisco and Filippa would be dressed more like these people --->
The ladies had really puffy tops, but less than puffy bottoms. Their hair was always long, but braided. Often times, they had a headdress to cover their hair.
The men wore tunics and stockings, if you will. However, their tunics were either very square or barrel shaped. Awkward looking, right?

The less wealthy obviously tried to follow fashion, but were forced not to. Instead of extravagance, they were required to wear only one color, tops two, to show that they were not as rich as others. To me, Lucio would be in the process of switching from poor clothing to wealthier clothing. Traveling a lot, I assume that he wouldn't get to fancy with clothes. But now that he's aiming to settle down in Venice, and fashion is a big thing, he would have to adjust to dressing better and wearing his money on his sleeves. And in order to impress Filippa, he would definitely have to look like he can care for her.

The setting of the stage wouldn't be really fancy. Most of the scenes will probably take place within the castle or out by the sea. There would just have to be enough things to differentiate between a wealthier area than the sea.


  1. This gives me some good images for Lucio, because of his wealth gain. Thanks Rach!

    Hey, this is my iambic pentameter attempt... let me know what you think

  2. Hey rachel!
    are you available to work on a new assignment tomorrow at like 1, outside the HFAC? send me a text and let me know! we have to do a short video for our play
