Monday, January 9, 2012

My Personal Learning Plan.

So I'm not quite sure whether I am doing this correctly. Hopefully this is right and I have the basic gist of what I am supposed to do. So here's my personal learning plan.

1.) Gaining Shakespeare Literacy.
I plan on gaining knowledge of Shakespeare's works by reading his works and doing my best to understand each one thoroughly as I study on my own and we discuss it during class. By studying one play, I will be able to go into more depth and do more research. Through that one play, it'll help me understand Shakespeare more and come to learn about the way he writes and thinks. The performances will help me visualize how they were performed back in the day, while also bringing to light new interpretations of his work.

2.) Analyzing Shakespeare Critically.
Through blogging and discussion, I will analyze his works and understand the way he wrote. I will learn more about his style.

3.) Engage Shakespeare Creatively.
I don't like performing in front of people, unless it's musical. But I'm willing to branch out, I think. I liked the memorization idea or recitation. The individual creative work...I was thinking along the lines of writing music to songs that have already been performed in Shakespeare's works but we don't know what it sounds like. And for the collaborative creative project, I enjoy filming and making something old (such as an old story a.k.a. Shakespeare) and trying to make it relative to modern times and what is going on in the present.

4. Share Shakespeare Meaningfully.
By blogging, I will be practicing informal writing and analysis of Shakespeare. Through commenting and discussing the my classmates, friends, family, etc., I will connect with people through Shakespeare.

5.) Gain Digital Literacy.
 In order to learn more in this class, I have to be willing to put forth the effort it takes to learn Shakespeare. I have to research and use the resources around me, such as the Internet and Library, to consume more knowledge. By blogging, I am providing my insights and my interpretations, which is not only beneficial to me, but will hopefully help others see from a different perspective. By interacting with people in the class (and outside of class), we can help each other with our learning plans and help others learn about Shakespeare by sharing what we have been working on.

Well, this is a rough sketch of my plan. I know there will be changes to it that will occur due to progression in the class, but that's expected, if not wanted.

1 comment:

  1. So funny. Thanks for sharing. It would be really interesting to know if Shakespeare was responsible for any onomatopoeia, because I know that some English words were ones that he made up.
